Graham and Swain County Independent Brand Partners held a Bowl for Kids’ Sake (BFKS) event for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina on Nov. 5, 2016. This was the first BFKS event for the Graham and Swain County branch, and it was a success! The Neora team (one of eight at the event) was successful in using the online fundraising vehicle to gather support from other Independent Brand Partners. The funds raised at this event will help support Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western North Carolina’s new school mentoring program. Graham County started its program this fall. Both counties are in a rural, mountainous area of North Carolina. A great portion of the area is part of a Cherokee reservation and Great Smoky Mountain National Park. The Brand Partners concentrated on recruiting business and civic teams in the area to great success! Total donations for the BFKS event…
Independent Brand Partner Steve Engleman was recognized as Big of the Year at the annual The Big Event and Impact Awards this month at Greektown Casino and Hotel in downtown Detroit. Steve became a Big Brother in January 2015 when he was matched with a 9-year-old boy named Seth. Steve was inspired to become a big by a mentor of his own who promised him that becoming a Big would be one of the most rewarding and gratifying experiences of his life. “The experience has been nothing short of amazing,” said Steve. “It has given me more than I ever imagined and provided me with the ability to make a difference in another person’s future. My relationship with my little, Seth, has grown and we have built a strong friendship based on trust and mutual interest in helping Seth grow and stay on course for reaching his goals.” Seth and…
Vancouver Brand Partners Arlene Picard and Rachel Armstrong hosted a Lemonade for Littles stand, getting their children Josie, 5, Maya, 9, and Jayden, 11, involved. The crew raised $320 for their local Big Brothers Big Sisters agency, making a big difference for some local children.
Dear Neora Brand Partner, Since the beginning, Neora has been a company rooted in people. Not only do we work together in our businesses sharing the freedom of the Neora Opportunity with others, but we pull together to make a real difference in our community. I urge you to keep working for this cause. It is easy to get sidetracked with our own lives, but we must never forget that our children need our help. Time is of the essence, there are children whose futures depend on the selflessness of our hearts. Let’s do this for them. Let’s do this for the well-being of our beloved community. Thank you, BJ Choi General Manager, Korea Neora International
Two years ago, I got out of my comfort zone and committed to being a Big Sister. I was matched with an incredible 6-year-old with a beautiful name: MaKayla. As with any 6-year-old, her energy was off the charts! But one of the things she had issues with, and still does to some degree, was self-confidence. She was scared of everything! But she was willing to try almost everything, too! We’ve climbed the wall at the rec center, gone horseback riding, swimming, and so much more. She has definitely won the heart of my family. MaKayla’s biggest accomplishment is that when we met, she was terrified of Teva, my dog. I understood how a wolf-looking (Shepherd Husky) dog can scare people! Now she now likes to call Teva her dog, she pets her, feeds her treats, and always asks if we can see her. MaKayla has grown in her self-confidence and…

La fundación Neora Ripple continúa su misión de “Hacer que las personas estén mejor”, y los Brand Partners de Neora son la fuerza motriz detrás de las iniciativas de la fundación para seguir cambiando vidas. La Fundación Ripple se enfoca en crear una cultura basada en cariño, solidaridad y entrega, y de esta manera motivar a las personas a apoyar a sus comunidades de manera individual y colectiva. ¡Eso es exactamente lo que sucedió en el año 2015! Los Brand Partners no sólo colaboran con sus donaciones mensuales, si no también dedicando su tiempo como mentores voluntarios para Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) y Bowl for Kids sake”, lo cual significa la práctica de “Liderazgo de Servicio”, y estos esfuerzos desinteresados merecen ser recompensados. Así en el más grandioso de los escenarios, 12 de los más influyentes Brand Partners de Neora fueron honrados en Get Real St. Louis 2016 con el…