

Neora se honra en otorgar el Premio Ripple a 12 Brand Partners

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La fundación Neora Ripple continúa su misión de “Hacer que las personas estén mejor”, y los Brand Partners de Neora son la fuerza motriz detrás de las iniciativas de la fundación para seguir cambiando vidas. La Fundación Ripple se enfoca en crear una cultura basada en cariño, solidaridad y entrega, y de esta manera motivar a las personas a apoyar a sus comunidades de manera individual y colectiva. ¡Eso es exactamente lo que sucedió en el año 2015! Los Brand Partners no sólo colaboran con sus donaciones mensuales, si no también dedicando su tiempo como mentores voluntarios para Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) y Bowl for Kids sake”, lo cual significa la práctica de “Liderazgo de Servicio”, y estos esfuerzos desinteresados merecen ser recompensados. Así en el más grandioso de los escenarios, 12 de los más influyentes Brand Partners de Neora fueron honrados en Get Real St. Louis 2016 con el…

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Ripple Award Winners

Neora Honors 12 Brand Partners with Ripple Awards

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The Neora Ripple Foundation is on a mission to Make People Better, and Neora Brand Partners are a driving force behind the foundation’s life-changing initiatives. The Ripple Foundation aims to create a loving, sharing and caring culture that encourages people to give back to their communities, both individually and collectively – and that’s exactly what happened in 2015! Brand Partners not only gave in the form of monthly contributions, but in their time as volunteer mentors, leaders and companions with Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) and Bowl for Kids’ Sake. It’s what “Practice Servant Leadership” is all about, and those kind of selfless efforts deserve to be rewarded. So on the grandest of stages, 12 of Neora’s most influential Brand Partners were honored at Get Real St. Louis 2016 with a Neora Ripple Award for their generosity over the past year. Neora Co-CEO Jeff Dahl, Chief Leadership Officer Renee Olson and…

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Neora Announces Partnership With World Vision in Korea

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Neora International is committed to Making People Better. Through our dedication to mentorship, servant leadership, and the development of our global foundation, Neora strives to create positive ripples in as many lives as possible across the world. That’s why we’re proud to announce the latest partnership between the Neora Ripple Foundation and World Vision in Korea, which will provide developmental programming for needy children in Korea. Brand Partners in Korea now have the opportunity to donate monthly and volunteer through our strategic partnership with World Vision. The Neora Ripple Foundation launched in Korea in conjunction with the Korea Grand Opening Event that took place on March 5, 2016. Executives from Neora’s leadership team visited the Sundhak Community Development Center to prepare box lunches for children living in poverty during their visit. <!– View a video of the activity, as well as a photo gallery. –> The Neora Ripple Foundation coincides…

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네리움은 월드비전 코리아와  파트너쉽을 맺고 사회공헌 활동을 시작합니다

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Neora International은 “더 나은 삶을 창조”하는 데 헌신합니다. Neora은 멘토십, 나눔과 배려의 리더십, 글로벌 재단 개발을 통하여 전 세계적으로 가능한 많은 사람들의 삶에 긍정적인 변화를 불어 넣고 있습니다. 한국의 불우한 어린이들에게 개발 프로그램을 제공할 Neora Ripple 재단과 한국 월드비전 간의 최근 파트너십에 대해 자랑스럽게 발표합니다. 한국에 계신 브랜드파트너들은 이제 월드비전과의 전략적 파트너십을 통해 매월 기부와 자원 봉사를 할 기회를 가질 수 있습니다. Neora의 경영진들은 월드비전 커뮤니티 개발 센터를 방문하여 빈곤 아동들을 위한 도시락을 준비하는 데 참여했습니다. Neora Ripple 재단은 Neora이 지역 및 글로벌 사회에서 자선 활동을 하는 데 주력을 두는 것과 더불어 함께 활동하고 있습니다. Ripple 재단은 Neora 경영진의 통솔과 브랜드파트너들의 활동에 힘입어 2012년부터 비영리 파트너들을 위해 35억원을 모금해 왔으며 다양한 국제 수상의 경력이 있습니다. 월드비전은 전 세계 100개 국가에서 다양한 교육 및 창업 프로그램을 제공합니다. 이 프로그램들은 Neora의 “더 나은 삶을 창조”한다는 사명에 부합하며 어린이들과 가족들이 빈곤한 환경을 극복하고 일어설 수 있는 도구를 제공합니다. 월드비전은 워크숍, 멘토링, 교육 및…

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Nerium Ripple Donation

Neora Ripple Foundation Raises More Than $1 Million for Big Brothers Big Sisters

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“When you encourage others, you in the process are encouraged because you’re making a commitment and difference in that person’s life. Encouragement really does make a difference.” — Zig Ziglar Setting goals is easy, but it takes extraordinary passion and dedication to exceed them – and that’s exactly what we did in 2015! Through love, commitment and generosity, the Neora Ripple Foundation raised $1.3 million in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) in 2015!! Thanks to the sharing and caring spirit of our Brand Partners, Neora has surpassed its fundraising goal of $1 million for the second straight year! Because of these exciting results, BBBS honored Neora and its Neora Ripple Foundation with the President’s Award, their highest recognition for corporate partners, for outstanding support in 2015. Nerium has been the largest corporate fundraising partner of the 112-year-old volunteer mentoring organization for two years in a row. That initiative…

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Nerium Ripple donation to BBBS

La fundación Neora Ripple recaudó más de $1 millón de dólares para Big Brothers Big Sisters

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“Cuando animas a los demás, te estas animando a ti, porque estás haciendo un compromiso y marcando una diferencia en la vida de una persona. La motivación realmente marca una diferencia” — Zig Ziglar Plantear metas es sencillo, pero conlleva una extraordinaria pasión y dedicación el llevarlas a cabo. ¡Eso fue exactamente lo que hicimos en el 2015! Con cariño, dedicación y generosidad, ¡la fundación Neora Ripple recaudó $1.3 millones de dólares en apoyo a la organización Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) en el 2015! ¡Gracias al espirito cariñoso y solidario de nuestros Brand Partners, Neora ha superado la meta del millón de dólares por segundo año consecutivo! Por estos emocionantes resultados, BBBS galardonó a Neora y a la fundación Neora Ripple con el premio Presidencial, su más alto reconocimiento para socios corporativos, por el extraordinario apoyo recibido en el 2015. Neora ha sido el mayor contribuidor corporativo por dos años consecutivos para…

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Neora y World Vision lideran el viaje inaugural con la gran misión en San Luis Potosí, México

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Un grupo de Brand Partners de Neora, junto con miembros del personal de World Vision y ejecutivos de Neora, visitaron algunas comunidades en San Luis Potosí para construir tanques de agua potable y enseñar a los niños buenas técnicas para la salud y el cuidado dental. Este es el primer viaje desde que la Fundación Neora Ripple dio inicio a su alianza con World Vision, una organización que trabaja con niños, familias y comunidades en temas relacionados con la pobreza y la injusticia. El objetivo de la fundación es inspirar a los Brand Partners a dar los pasos necesarios para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor, creando así un efecto de “ondas positivas”. Desde julio de 2015, los Brand Partners en México han tenido la oportunidad de realizar contribuciones sobre sus comisiones mensuales para apoyar la alianza de Neora con World Vision. Estas contribuciones monetarias están destinadas a apoyar familias…

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Neora, World Vision Lead Inaugural Mission Trip to San Luis Potosi, Mexico

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A group of Neora Brand Partners, along with World Vision staff and Neora executives, visited villages in San Luis Potosi to build clean water tanks and teach children good dental health care techniques. The trip was the first since the Neora Ripple Foundation began its partnership with World Vision, which works with children, families and communities on issues related to poverty and injustice. The foundation’s goal is to inspire Brand Partners to take steps to make the world a better place, therefore setting off a “ripple” effect. Since July 2015, Brand Partners in Mexico have had the opportunity to make monthly commissions contributions to support the Neora partnership with World Vision. These financial gifts are used to support families living in poverty in San Luis Potosi. This mission trip allowed sales leaders in Mexico to spend time getting to know the families who benefit from Neora’s gifts. “This was a…

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