For more than 20 years I have wanted to become a Big Sister, but the timing was never right. This year, I decided the timing was right. The difference is that in the last 20 years I have come to understand that the right time for the things your are passionate about is always right now. The exposure I have had to Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) by working with Neora as the Canadian Operations Manager has ignited my passion into action, and last September I submitted my application to our Vancouver BBBS organization. I believe that being a Big will positively transform my life, and I hope that I can also have that positive influence on my Little. It has always been important for me to feel like I am giving back, but I am excited to be able to contribute undivided attention to one little girl. I hope this…

Un grupo de Brand Partners de Neora, junto con miembros del personal de World Vision y ejecutivos de Neora, visitaron algunas comunidades en San Luis Potosí para construir tanques de agua potable y enseñar a los niños buenas técnicas para la salud y el cuidado dental. Este es el primer viaje desde que la Fundación Neora Ripple dio inicio a su alianza con World Vision, una organización que trabaja con niños, familias y comunidades en temas relacionados con la pobreza y la injusticia. El objetivo de la fundación es inspirar a los Brand Partners a dar los pasos necesarios para hacer del mundo un lugar mejor, creando así un efecto de “ondas positivas”. Desde julio de 2015, los Brand Partners en México han tenido la oportunidad de realizar contribuciones sobre sus comisiones mensuales para apoyar la alianza de Neora con World Vision. Estas contribuciones monetarias están destinadas a apoyar familias…

A group of Neora Brand Partners, along with World Vision staff and Neora executives, visited villages in San Luis Potosi to build clean water tanks and teach children good dental health care techniques. The trip was the first since the Neora Ripple Foundation began its partnership with World Vision, which works with children, families and communities on issues related to poverty and injustice. The foundation’s goal is to inspire Brand Partners to take steps to make the world a better place, therefore setting off a “ripple” effect. Since July 2015, Brand Partners in Mexico have had the opportunity to make monthly commissions contributions to support the Neora partnership with World Vision. These financial gifts are used to support families living in poverty in San Luis Potosi. This mission trip allowed sales leaders in Mexico to spend time getting to know the families who benefit from Neora’s gifts. “This was a…